
Globally, millions of people are on The COVID-19 Other Front Line.

They were bearing the brunt of poverty and inequality before the pandemic. They are now experiencing the worst health, social and economic impacts and benefit least from many of the policies and other actions that aim to reduce these impacts. Yet, they are rarely heard from or listened to. 

Our collaboration is gathering stories from groups on The COVID-19 Other Front Line (TCOFL).  These stories are told by TCOFL street journalists and bloggers recruited from groups and communities across the globe. They are supported by a network of individuals and organisations.  Their stories cover how the pandemic and policy responses are affecting people’s lives; how they are responding; and what they want for the future. Grounded in the experience of inequalities, the wide circulation of these stories of risk, solidarity and resistance can generate empathy, forge common interests and contribute to action for greater social justice. 

TCOFL journalist’s stories include written letters/blogs; images (videos, vlogs); audio reports and photographs or artwork with commentary. The stories are posted on this website and on the COVID-19 Other Front Line YouTube channel. The TCOFL own the copyright for their stories but they are made freely and openly accessible under a creative common’s license.  This allows others to use the stories for non-commercial purposes.

An International Editorial Group, with representatives from The COVID-19 Other Front Line alliance, oversees the initiative.  It is currently co-ordinated by activist-scholars at Lancaster University, UK.  There are three IEG working groups focused on: support for TCOFL journalists/bloggers; developing ways of maximising the impact of the stories on policy and action; and learning from and improving our work.  

Read more about the TCOFL journalists/bloggers and current members of TCOFL global allianceContact us for more information about our work and how you can get involved.

The co-ordinating team 

Jennie Popay is based in the Division of Health Research at Lancaster University in the UK. Her research focuses on social determinants of health equity and community empowerment.

Sarah Simpson is an independent consultant at EquiACT working to integrate an equity, gender, and rights focus into public health policies and programmes.  She is also an Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of NSW, Australia.

Michelle Collins is a researcher based in the Division of Health Research at Lancaster University. She has worked on a range of research projects in areas including community empowerment, health inequalities and public involvement in research.

Becca Kirby has worked in the not for profit sector since 2008 in a range of roles in both the UK and New Zealand. Most recently as the Grants Team Coordinator at People’s Health Trust, she supported the administrative function of the Grants Team and led some internal projects.