
Covid19_The Other Front Line is designed to be ethically compliant and has ethical approval from the ethics committee in the Faculty of Health and Medicine at Lancaster University.

Our understanding of ethical practice is one that seeks to protect those taking part in the COVID-19 Other Front Line initiative against exploitation. Broadly, our ethics of care seeks to support those whose voices are not traditionally heard in the public sphere to tell their stories in their own way in a secure environment; recognise that there are those who may, for a variety of reasons, want to retract what they have said; and acknowledge that there are those who do not want to be identifiable or traced. We recognize that some people feel strongly that their words, material, and creative products should be attributed to them. However, Other Front Line journalists currently use pseudonyms to protect their identities in order to avoid harm to them and the people whose stories they are telling.  We will review this policy over time.  If you would like more information about our ethical practices please contact us here.