Martha* shared her story with Frud about her ordeal during the Covid-19 pandemic: Part 1

I nearly lost everything during COVID-19

At 37 years, I thought life was getting better despite the usual known issues of racism and social inequalities I got used to over the years. 

Educated to Master’s degree level, married to a loving man and blessed with three beautiful children. Three years ago, we set up a business as we were convinced this was a way out of office jobs where black women would work hard for a lifetime promotion that would eventually never come to reality. And even when this promotion happened, it was after several tribulations, that is, if you were strong enough to stay confident despite being devalued so many times by colleagues who most of the time were less experienced, but thought they were better because of their ethnicity or class status. My husband didn’t quit his job as we could not afford such a risk if the business didn’t make quick profit. 

That was my world, but I had my family. People to fall back on, to have fun with and make sense of life. I found that balance with my mum and my siblings and mostly with my husband and my children to whom I dedicated any free time I had. 

Then came COVID-19 

At first, I did not think much of it, as long as my family was safe, I was fine. 

Our business took a small hit during the first lockdown, but as the optimist I have always been, I thought that soon after lockdown, we will make up for the loss. Needless to say, that our business had my full dedication considering we invested our life savings into it. 

We re-opened our shop at some point and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. But the truth is that we did not have much choice other than holding onto hope in the midst of the storm. For our household expenses, my husband’s income was not enough to support the family. In addition to that, previous efforts to secure loans for the business had not been successful despite the Government-backed business loan schemes. 

The shop, during the partial Lockdown 2.0, was not as viable as we had thought even though we made sales online. Worries and stress slowly replaced laughter, we faced uncertain days ahead of us not knowing what life would present us. 

You can read Part 2 of this story here.